Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A gentle second step

What a pleasure to have an excuse to spend a full 4 days in Cape Town. What on earth did we do in the days before cell phones and lap-tops (mine borrowed),but what a good excuse to buy one (do not tell Val). So, even though I am away from office, I have managed to keep up with my mail (mostly), I have seen clients, got my new boards, followed up on visits from last week and have a long line of prospective clients lined up for the weekend.

A Personal Window

For months now I have been on about writing a newsletter, wanting a web page to change add to and edit when and as I wish ..but where and how? Comes to the rescue Summer School and Tony and Andrea ..could this be the answer to this maiden's prayer?
You may well ask why McGregor? And why subjectively?
McGregor, because in this quirky village all happens all the time, turn your back and you do not know the latest happenings. Though many people who own property here live elsewhere they still have a need to keep up with what's happening in town. Subjectively, as ultimately it will be a personal view of village as to how I experience it, the people I connect with and I guess ultimately address through this new experimental medium.